October 13, 2013

It always seems around this time of year I get a strong craving for Germanic foods. Cabbage, rich sausages, tart wines, sweet, sweet lager. While Oktoberfest is primarily celebrated in September in Germany, October is the perfect timing in California to start enjoying all of these treats. The weather cools down where mornings and evenings actually feel like crisp, fall days, and even the mid-day is a bit cooler. Last week I fed my craving first at our local Austrian restaurant, Naschmarkt, with kraut rouladen, or stuffed cabbage rolls. The next day when I strolled through the produce section of my local market, I saw the most beautiful heads of red cabbage – small, perfect, compact leaves, in a brilliant purple-ish-red – and I knew my craving hadn’t quite went away yet. (more…)
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Dinner, German, Gluten free, Side Dish, Vegetarian by Courtney
September 29, 2010

When September rolls around, I get all excited. There’s football, the weather stays warm, but we get a few nice, cool days that foreshadow the fall weather to come, and Oktoberfest begins, which gives me the perfect excuse to whip out this recipe and play some traditional German music.
I stumbled upon this recipe in a Martha Stewart Living a few years back. It was in an article featuring apples, and at the time, I wasn’t the biggest fan of cabbage. Actually, you could say I hated it and didn’t know why anyone would ruin a good sausage that way. Then I saw a picture of this dish; knockwurst tucked neatly into a dutch oven of apples (and cabbage), braised with apple cider and apple cider vinegar. I decided to overcome my issues with cabbage and give it a try. (more…)
Filed under:
Dinner, German, Gluten free by Courtney