Summer Vegetable Tacos

July 19, 2013

Vegetable Tacos

Summer is in full swing and that also means that squash and zucchini are abundant right now. While I enjoy stir fries and steamed veggie sides, sometimes you need to dress up these summer vegetables to not get bored of their flavor. So I decided to try my traditional taco spices on these summer vegetables to see what happened. Magic. Magic happened. Okay, maybe it wasn’t quite magic, but just a good blend of flavors that transformed my zucchini and squash from “oh no not more squash” to “yum!” (more…)

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From the garden: A summer antipasti platter

July 5, 2013

Summer Antipasti Plate

One of the grand things about summer is grazing on the fresh fruits and veggies that pop up in our gardens, farmers markets, and local groceries. Tomatoes, squash, beans, berries – they’re all at their peak in flavor, and that means you don’t have to do too much to them to make them scrum-diddly-uptious!

Last week I showed you a slightly more involved way to enjoy your summer squash. This week I’ll show you all the other super-simple antipasto I made to fill up my antipasti platter. Caprese, melon e prosciutto, and roasted shishito peppers made it to my platter this time, and their preparation couldn’t be simpler. (more…)

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Summer bounty: Fried squash antipasti

June 28, 2013

Fried Squash

Fried squash is one of those dishes that takes me back to my childhood. I can remember both my mom and great grandmother making fried squash, carefully flipping over each circular slice in the pan, getting an even golden brown on each piece. Back then, it was the only way I would eat squash — probably because it was the only way I had known squash! Fast forward a few years, and we’ve simplified the recipe a bit so you don’t have to tend it so closely. (more…)

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Vegetarian Enchiladas with Goat Cheese

June 3, 2013

Vegetarian Enchiladas with Goat Cheese

I’ve been eyeing a recipe for vegetarian enchiladas from my Tassajara cookbook for a while now, and this past week when I saw this picture from a friend, I knew I had to get my butt in gear and make a huge batch of enchiladas to enjoy now and later. Of course, right before I embarked upon my mission, I had to see this recipe for enchiladas with a carrot sofrito, and out the door went my simple enchiladas filled with potatoes, carrots, and kale, and all sorts of new fillings started dancing about in my head. One might say the enchilada stars had aligned, and thus this recipe was born. (more…)


Stuffed pumpkin: The perfect vegetarian centerpiece

November 15, 2011

Stuffed Pumpkin

When the word “vegetarian” pops up in the context of someone coming to dinner, it can sometimes make this Southern girl’s heart skip a beat.

“Whatever will I cook?” I think to myself.

Add that to Thanksgiving dinner, and the heart goes pitter-patter for more than a beat. I mean, I’m the person who puts giblets in the dressing and cooks brussels sprouts with bacon fat. Mashed potatoes are one of the few things meat isn’t added to.

Then I stop, and I realize there are so many meals that I make without the addition of animal fat. I cook with copious amounts of olive oil these days, instead of butter. Hell-o, I even make gravies that don’t start with meat, so making a Thanksgiving dinner that works for both the omnivores and herbivores in my life should be a breeze. But I don’t want it to just work, I want it to be an extra-special meal for everyone coming to dinner. (more…)

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