Lasagne Primavera

April 10, 2013

Lasagne Primavera

I first spied this lasagne in La Cucina Italiana magazine, and from that point on I couldn’t get it out of my head. Filled with spring vegetables, topped with hard boiled eggs, it looked beautiful. I wasn’t sure about the hard boiled eggs, and even though this is good without them, I wouldn’t think of leaving them off. The contrast of the green vegetables and the yellow yolk just make you think, “spring!”, but the flavors also work really well together.

The one thing I would change (and have changed) about this recipe? (more…)

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Sunday Suppers: Lasange Verdi Alla Bolognese

January 20, 2013

Lasagne Bolnese

Continuing to build on the list of cool weather foods I intended to make this winter, I finally decided to tackle lasagne verdi, made with fresh spinach pasta and Bolognese and bechamel sauces. For many years I’ve drooled over the recipe in my Food of Italy cookbook, but it was an article in an issue of La Cucina Italiana magazine that propelled me to figure out the perfect recipe for this dish.

If I had a recipe, why the quest, you ask? Well, funny thing about the recipe in the Food of cookbook. While you could obviously see that the pasta was a spinach pasta, there was no recipe for spinach pasta in the book! A slight oversight. (more…)

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