An adapted Madd Hatter recipe: Orecchiette with Portobellos and Arugula

October 17, 2013

Portobello and Arugula Pasta

One of my favorite quick go-to pastas has been a beef and arugula pasta with a dijon vinaigrette dressing that I posted a few years back. The first time I made this pasta, I remember my husband saying, “This would be really good with portobellos!”. I was so sure it would that, at the time, I wrote the recipe up with that suggestion for vegetarian-izing (and, incidentally, veganizing) the recipe. A week ago, I had some leftover arugula, so I decided to give this version a go, and what do you know, it was a hit! Still as quick and easy as the original, and still as flavorful. (more…)

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Orecchiette with Peas and Mint

May 2, 2012

Orecchiette with Peas and Mint

I’m feeling like quick and easy is the way to go on hump day, so with that theme in mind, I give you orecchiette with peas and mint, one of the simplest one-pot meals to make. It’s the perfect pasta for this time of year – simple flavors that aren’t to heavy, leaving you with the taste of tangy goat cheese, sweet peas, and fresh mint dancing around in your mouth.

Ready for the instructions? Because this is way too easy to call a recipe… (more…)


Orecchiette with Broccoli and Italian Sausage

September 8, 2010

Orecchiette with Broccoli and Sausage

Another quick weeknight meal for you, as you continue to recuperate from the marvel that is the 3-day weekend. While this may take just a tad longer than the zucchini and onion stir-fry I featured yesterday, it’s not too much longer, and it’s oh-so-delicious! Plus, it’s another use for that stock you’ve made; this time it’s not a soup!

There are two things you will want to do before you start slicing and dicing. Put your water on to boil, and get the Italian sausages defrosted and ready to go in the pan. Now that we’ve cleared that up, 1-2-3–Let’s cook!! (more…)