The Shooter’s Sandwich

March 21, 2011

Shooter's Sandwich

Yesterday morning I’m laying in bed, checking my email and reading the news, when I get an IM from my husband: … this looks soooo goood”

Nevermind the fact that we’re only 10 feet away from each other and he IM’d this to me; he was right. This did look good. So out of bed I hopped, deciding to get ready and head to the farmer’s market to procure some tasty ribeyes from Prather Ranch. After a quick check of the other ingredients (yes, I do have Dijon; no, I don’t have horseradish), we were off on this rainy day to gather our food. (more…)


What to do with a bottle of furmint?

October 18, 2010

Limerick Lane Furmint with Pate

I’ve waxed poetic about Limerick Lane’s wines many a time on this blog already, but they really just put out such wonderful wines. This bottle of furmint is no exception, though I was a little puzzled as to what I should do with it once I received it. Such an odd sounding wine — “fur… mint” I kept saying to myself. It came in a small bottle, so it must be sweet, I thought. So I decided to do a little investigation before opening.

I consulted my What to Drink book first, which has a handy reverse lookup (basically, what to eat). (more…)

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Spinach Salad with Duck and Black Cherry Vinaigrette

September 23, 2010

Spinach Salad with Duck & Cherries

This salad is great for a light dinner. The smoked duck seems filling, but it’s a salad with a with a with a vinaigrette, so it seems light at the same time. My recipe was born from trying to figure out what I should do with the smoked duck breast I bought from Fabrique Delices. Their booth at the Campbell Farmer’s Market is always full of yummy meats, such as merguez sausages, various types of duck, and pates. (more…)

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Courtney’s Veggie Pita with Harissa

September 19, 2010

Grilling Vegetables

Attention Campbellites, this post is for you!

Actually, it’s for anyone that is experiencing those last warm days of summer that are fading into fall. This sandwich was inspired by products I pick up at my local farmer’s market, but if you’re not from these parts, you should easily be able to find most products in your local store (and the one secret ingredient online if not locally).

The veggie pita sandwich starts off with veggies – duh! Personally, I like to start with zucchini, summer squash, and onions. You could also try adding some tomatoes or eggplant to the mix. (more…)