Mango Vinaigrette

May 15, 2018

Mango Vinaigrette

This recipe came about from being freshly back from Costa Rica and craving the flavors of my dinners there. Alas, even though we usually are at the end of the season some phenomenal mangoes this time of year at the grocery, all the mangoes had been there just a little too long, so I skipped on buying any and decided instead to play with some frozen mangoes which I generally have on hand to see what flavors I could come up with. Since I still had some amazing butter lettuce, I decided to make a vinaigrette with mango flavor, adding some fresh mint from my backyard. The result was a dressing so good I could have simply drank it, but instead I made a butter lettuce salad one day, then the next a wild rice pilaf with chopped veggies and chicken sausage which I stuffed into butter lettuce wraps and dressed with the vinaigrette. Needless to say, those wraps went quick, as did the rest of the dressing! (more…)

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Blackberry & goat cheese salad

July 26, 2013

Blackberry & Goat Cheese Salad

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – for me to like a salad means it is going to have to be hearty and filling. That doesn’t mean it needs to be loaded down in meats, cheeses, and croutons (though an occasional antipasto salad is yummy!). Enter this blackberry salad. This recipe was borne of items that happened to be in my refrigerator & garden, but it immediately became a favorite of mine. It works because it has a sweet and sour component from the berries and vinegar, a creamy component from the goat cheese, a crunch from the pecans, and the slight warmth I get from warming the oil, sauteing the shallots, and warming the blackberries. The result is a satisfying, luxurious-tasting meal that also ensures I get my greens and antioxidants for the day. (more…)

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Spinach Salad with Duck and Black Cherry Vinaigrette

September 23, 2010

Spinach Salad with Duck & Cherries

This salad is great for a light dinner. The smoked duck seems filling, but it’s a salad with a with a with a vinaigrette, so it seems light at the same time. My recipe was born from trying to figure out what I should do with the smoked duck breast I bought from Fabrique Delices. Their booth at the Campbell Farmer’s Market is always full of yummy meats, such as merguez sausages, various types of duck, and pates. (more…)

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