Travels: Moroccan Meatballs

February 6, 2013

Meatball Tagine with Egg

I just got back from visiting the lands of one of my favorite cuisines, Morocco. I love the wealth of spices nearly every Moroccan dish contains, so of course I fell in love with my Food of Morocco cookbook long ago. I was very excited to find that the foods I ate there proved the recipes I had cooked over the years true to the cuisine. Of course, it was a bit better there (an understatement!), with the super-fresh spices abounding from shop after shop after shop.

Moroccan meatballs are something I had cooked previous to owning my cookbook, however, and have long been a favorite of mine. I’ve tried the addition of egg on occasion, and it makes for an über-rich and decadent dinner. This was hands down my favorite meal the entire time we were in Morocco. (more…)

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Pardon the pause

October 8, 2010

Dad's BBQ Sandwich

But I’ve been in the land of barbecue, eating a pulled pork sandwich a day. Vinegar-based barbecue sauce, sweet sauce, vinegared slaw. Yep, that would be Northeast Tennessee.

Beyond the usual, I also tried the German place I’ve been wanting to try for a while, Freiberg’s. It was delicious, and I’m sure to go back and have the Boulette Andreas next time I’m home. And another newbie, we tried Mona Lisa’s Gelato before I caught the bird that brought me back home. Of course there was the usual – country ham and Greg’s meatball sandwich. No Krystal this time, but I am sure I gained enough weight while there.

Tomorrow morning, I’ll share another Southern favorite that I had while there, Mom’s stickies. Stay tuned for a return to regular programming!

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