See How My Garden Grows: Spring 2011 Edition

May 16, 2011


Instead of writing about something I’ve made, I thought I’d give you a preview of what I will be (hopefully!!) writing about this summer when the bounty of the fruits and veggies I’ve planted come in.

Last year, I planted a large pot with four wild strawberry plants, and Raju and I looked forward to the strawberries ripening one or two at a time. These guys taste so much better than the supermarket variety, so this year I planted 5 planters of strawberries. So maybe we can look forward to 5 strawberries at a time, or dare to dream, 10! (more…)


Orange and Ancho Chili Surf & Turf Kebabs

May 9, 2011

Orange and Ancho chili Surf & Turf

After a hard day’s work of cleaning the backyard up and readying it for summer, I decided what better way to celebrate than with a good meal cooked over charcoal, enjoyed at my outdoor dining table with a nice glass of red wine (because we still have chilly nights here). I consulted with the hubby on what we should have (because he’d been working hard all day too), and he came up with, “Beef – something like stir fry, where beef’s not the main attraction. Or shrimp.” Hmmm, stir fry on a grill?

Instead, I decided on kebabs, since what he mainly wanted was a big dose of vegetables. Surf and turf would be good, over rice. While perusing the store I saw a huge display of oranges which spurred the idea for a ancho chili and orange marinade. (more…)